Document translation is a very broad category which can be divided based on the subject and terminology used inside a document. Specialist translation includes the following business areas:
File Formats
We accept many file types. In order to make your further work easier we return translated documents using the same file format as the one in which it was provided for translation.
We work with the following file formats:
- Microsoft Office file formats DOC/DOCX, XLS/XLS, PPT/PPTX, itd.)
- Graphic file formats such as PDF, TIFF, JPG
- InDesign (IND)
- Illustrator(AI, EPS)
Our Translation Team
Universal Translations is a translation agency which cooperates with professionals in various fields and disciplines in order to always deliver top quality translations to our customers. Our database includes over 2000 professional translators worldwide. This is why we can always have the right person translate your document. All translation jobs are performed by experienced translators whose achievements are a guarantee of corectness of any translation. Moreover, all translated documents are reviewed by professionals to ultimately ensure their top quality.